Thursday, April 30, 2020

बॉलीवुड में नृत्यों के प्रकार - आज का विषय -मुज़रा

मैं अपने ब्लोग्स के व्यूज की जाँच कर रहा था की कितने कितने वेयूज मिले तब पाया की सबसे ज्यादा  व्यूज  सिल्क स्मिता पर लिखे ब्लॉग को मिले हैं . दूसरे नंबर पर श्रीदेवी और फिल्मों पर लिखे  ब्लोग्स हैं. पाठको के रुझान के अनुसार मेरा यह ब्लाग भूतपुर्व फिल्मों में शामिल किए नृत्य के प्रकार पर आधारित है। भूतपुर्व इसलिए की आज जो फिल्में बन रही है उसमें सामिल नृत्य को एक नाम मिल चुका है और उसे सम्मिलित रूप में Bollywood dance कहा जाता है। ऐसे कैबरे जैसे ही डांस जिसे आइटम नंबर  कहते है भी आज कल के फिल्मों में होते है. पहले फिल्मों में नायिकाएं या तो नायक के साथ गाते और पेड़ के चक्कर लगाते वक्त नाचती थी या फिर कॉलेज function में स्टेज पर। बाकी नृत्य मुजरा और कैबरें के रूप में डाले जाते। ऐसे कई बार मुजरे वालियॉ ही नायिकाए होती थी। जैसे पाकीजा में स्व मीना कुमारी जी या उमरांव जान में रेखा जी। कई सुधी पाठकों के मन में और भी नृत्य प्रकार जैसे लोक नृत्य (आया सावन झूम के) या होली नृत्य (शोले, मदर इन्डिया),  जिसे नायिकाओ पर फिल्माया गया था भी आ रहा होगा उन्हें विश्वास दिलाता हूँ अगली बार पूरा research कर के ही आऊगा। इस ब्लाग को मैं उन सब लोकप्रिय मुज़रा नृत्य संगीत पर सीमित रखूंगा जिसे मैनै अभी तक देखें है। शाही दरबारो में रक्कासाओ (जैसे मुगले आज़म में मधुबाला जी का नृत्य) द्वारा किए जाने वाले नृत्य जिसे रक्स कहते थे भी एक प्रकार का मुजरा ही है ।
प्रायः मुजरा भी अक्सर कत्थक पर आधारित होता हैं। तवायफ का रोल जमींदारों नबाबों के काल की कहानियों में जरूर होते। 1970 में बानी खिलौना में एक तवायफ को  हीरो के बाप ने उसकी बीवी का नाटक करने के लिए राज़ी किया ताकि उसका पागल बेटा ठीक हो जाये खैर आगे बढ़ते है ।
 सबसे पहले मै शुरू करना चाहूंगा श्रीमती बैयजंतीमाला बाली जी से जिन्होंनें अपने नृत्य और अभिनय से कमसे कम दो पुश्तो को अपना कायल बना रक्खा था। 83 साल के उम्र में भी उन्होंने कमाल का performance दिया है जिसका vdo काफी Viral हुआ था। 1955 में बनी देवदास उनकी प्ररम्भिक फिल्मों में से थी । चन्द्रमुखी के किरदार को उन्होंनें इस खूबी से निभाया कि बाद में बने फिल्म में रणधीर कपूर के एक गाने के बोल ही थे "चन्द्रमुखी हो या पारो " इस फिल्म में "अब आगे तेरी मर्जी " गाने पर बहुत ही उम्दा नृत्य है। बिना किसी गाने या बोल पर किए उनके नृत्य लाजवाब है। अपने शुरूआती दौर में ही इस फिल्म के लिए बेस्ट सह नायिका  का फिल्म फेयर का पुरस्कार मिला ।

 उन्होंने इसे यह कह कर ठुकरा दिया की मेरा रोल नायिका का था न की सह नायिका का अवार्ड ठुकराने का यह पहला वाकया था   बी आर चोपड़ा की  फिल्म साधना  (१९५८) में "बैजंतीमाला फिर एक तवायफ के रोल में थीं "कहो जी तुम क्या क्या खरीदोगे " पर उनका डांस प्रशंसनीय है |

यो तो आम्रपाली में वैजन्तीमाला जी का किरदार तवायफ या बाई जी का नहीं था पर नगरवधू के रूप में उनके डांस लाजवाब थे | एक प्रतियोगता या "फेस ऑफ" में गजब का नृत्य है ।

मुजरा पर ब्लॉग लिखा जाये और स्व  मीना  कुमारी जी  अभिनीत 1972 की फिल्म पाकीजा का नाम न लिया जाय यह मुमकिन नहीं. पाकीजा में मीना  कुमारी जी  ने अविस्मर्णीय अभिनय और मुजरा किया है. चलते चलते गाना पर किया डांस कौन भूल सकता है ? फिल्म के अंतिम सीन  में किया मुजरा  "तीरे नज़र देखेंगे"  और ड्रामा भी कोई भूल नहीं सकता।

अब चलते है रेखा की तरफ।रेखा  जी ने उमरांव जान में  गजब का  अभिनय और  मुजरा किया है ।इस विषय पर बने फिल्मों में सबसे ऊपर के  नामों में इस फिल्म का नाम भी शामिल हो गया । "बस एक बार मेरा कहा मान लिखिए, और इन "आँखों की मस्ती के दीवाने हजारों है।" जैसे गाने अभी तक बहुत ही  लोकप्रिय हैं । 1970 में हेमा मालिनी जी की फिल्म आई थी " शराफत "। तवायफ  पर बनी फिल्म थी।  "शराफत छोड़ दी हमने" गाने पर मुज़रा तो ज़रूर फिल्माया गया होगा पर मैंने यह फिल्म नहीं देखी थी और इस के बारे में कुछ भी लिखना ठीक नहीं होगा। ऐसे हेमा जी के नृत्य के तो हम लोग दीवाने है ही। उसी तरह माधुरी दीक्षित, वरुण धवन और आलिया भट्ट ही हाल की फिल्म कलंक में माधुरी जी एक कोठा मालकिन हैं पर मेरी राय में इसका  नृत्य  " घर मोरे परदेशिया "  मुज़रा नहीं कहा जा सकता।

स्व मधुबाला जी अभिनीत "मुगले आज़म" एक कल्ट फिल्म थी और विशाल भव्य सेट इसका MSP हैं। मधुबाला जी ने अपने लघु जीवन काल में बौलीवुड में कई शानदार फिल्में की है। लेकिन मुग़ले आज़म में उनका किया कत्थक डांस देख कर अपने काम के लिए उनका समर्पण जाहिर हो जाता है। " प्यार किया तो डरना क्या " गाने पर उनके नृत्य को मैनें कई बार देखा था। सेट की भव्यता के कारण उनके नृत्य कहीं खो सा जाता है । हाल में ही टीवी पर सिर्फ उनके नृत्य पर ध्यान देने का निश्चय कर देखने पर मै दंग रह गया और मधुबाला जी के लिए मन में पल रहा आदर कई गुणा बढ़ गई। और कई अभिनेत्रियों ने तवॉयफ का रोल किया है और बेहतरीन मुज़रा भी । हेलन जी ने इस तरह के कई रोल किया था। विषय बहुत व्यापक है । मुझे इस चर्चे को यहीं बीच में छोड़ने के लिए मै क्षमा प्रार्थी हूँ ।
Trivia Pakeejah song
Inhi Logo ne was also part of 1941 film Himmat sung by Shamsad Begum.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Europe Tour 2013 Part-1 #यात्रा

Europe Tour 2013 Part-1 INDEX
IntroductionItineary,blog links, hotels, Eqpt MoscowMunich & NurnbergPragueVideo of Praguue


Who does not like traveling to new places ?

I am lucky to have traveled quite a bit. But one of the most enjoyable journey I undertook was when We ( I and my wife, Saroj ) visited 5 countries of Europe in 2013 (18-3-2013 to 28-3-2013). Our itinerary was Delhi-Moscow-Munich-Prague-Vienna-Budapest-Melk-Salzburg-Munich-Zurich-Lucerne-Mt. Titlis-Zurich-Moscow-Delhi. We were planning the visit for quite some time and had obtained 30 days Schengen visa. Initially we planned to include Paris too since I was due to Visit Paris officially and wanted to use the opportunity to club it with our vacation, however the official visit was getting delayed (finally it happened next month) and our visa was due to expire. I had to plan our trip. Since I had visited Western Europe during my various official visits we decided to include some East European countries and booked a Cosmos bus trip. Added to this was Moscow en route Munich.Towards the end we took an interesting train journey through Alps between Munich and Zurich. We visited Lucerne & Mt Titlis from Zurich. The final itinerary is given below.

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Itineary,blog links, hotels, Eqpt

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Blog Part-1 : Day 1: Delhi-Moscow-Munich (by air), Day 2 Munich-Nuremberg-Prague.

Blog Part-2 Day-4 Prague to Vienna Day 5 Vienna to Budapest.
Blog Part-3 Day 7  Budapest -Melk- Salzburg Day 8 Salzburg- Munich
Blog Part-4 Day 9 Munich to-Zurich (By Train) Day 10 Zurich -Lucerne-Mt Titlis-Zurich. Day 10 & 11 Return to Delhi via Moscow.

Viewthis part of journey on you tube 
Europe trip part-1 Munich-Nuremburg-Prague

Hotels where we stayed:
Night-1 :NH Munich airport
Nights 2&3 : Hotel Barcelo Prague
Nights 4 : Hotel Kavalier Vienna
Nights 5&6 : Hotel Mercure Budapest (Buda)
Night 7 : Hotel Ramda, Salzburg
Night 8 : Hotel Ibis Parkstad Munich
Night 9 : Hotel Walhalla Zurich 

Equipment we carried were 2 digital auto focus camera, a tab and a Flip video recorder & of course our mobile phones . Our flights were booked on Aeroflot and it took us 6 hours to reach Moscow. Moscow air port was full of snow and runways seemingly were being cleaned continuously. Our tour itinerary included Moscow in our return journey too when we had over 16 Hours lay over.

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Stop-Over at Moscow

We had a short stop over at Moscow airport we spent clicking photos from plane as well from airport, the runways were full of snow and we only observed removal of snow using heavy machinery. We could not find vegetarian food except chips and tit bits. Our next flight was announces soon.
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Large Waiting space Moscow AirportRed Square Pix
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Snow covered Moscow as seen from sky

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Munich and Nurnberg

Our next flight to Munich was just after one hour. At Munich we expected some one to wait with placard and it gave us some anxious moment to locate the Hotel's airport transfer bus which took us to Hotel NH Munich Airport, all 21 co tourists were lodged in this hotel itself. A briefing was organised regarding marking of our luggage etc in the evening. Our tour had begun.

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NH Hotel MunichMunich Hoptbhanhof
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Olympia ParkMarienplatz
Our Next stop was Nuremberg a city famous for Nuremberg trials. Which established primacy of humanity and proved that even a head of state can be tried for crimes against humanity.
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Nuremberg main square

It was raining and we had to pull out our umbrellas.Could not visit Palace of Justice famous for its court no 600 where High Nazi officials were tried. Was informed by tour director that court is still in use and week ends are best days to visit the same. We saw St Seabald Church dedicated to St Seabald the Patron Saint of Nuremburg.

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St. Seabald ChurchStreet View

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Prague Czech republic

We took our lunch in one of the restaurants in Nuremburg main market and proceeded towards Prague . Our stay was planned in very comfortable Hotel. Our 2 days tour included visits to Charles Bridge, Synagogue, Old Town Square and Prague Palace. A local guide added to our tour experience.

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River Front - Vltava RiverView from the banks

The Vltava River flows through the center of Prague, and is the waterway around which the city has developed over the past 1000 years.The Old Town and the New Town lie on one side of the Vltava River. On the other bank is the Lesser Town and Prague Castle, which is a magnificent sight from the water front.

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Alighting from Bus at Charles BridgeJewish Quarter

Charles Bridge is a historic bridge built over Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century. Many beautiful statues are there to see when you walk on this pedestrian only bridge. Next we walked through the Jewish quarter which is also called Josefov after King Josef II who gave equal rights to the Jews. The Synagogue was not open and we just took pictures from out side. This part of Prague is also world heritage .site as declared by UNESCO. Understand after WW-II since owners were not alive after the holocaust Jewish property left behind were converted into museums.

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Hand made Toy shopsAstronomical clock

Astronomical clock is called Orloj and dates back to 1410. The clock is 3rd oldest clock and the oldest one still operational . Calendar dial was incorporated in 1490 and underwent many repairs. Tourists assemble here several times since at specified interval different figure appear to do certain activities. This is a spectular sight. We spent rest of the day in the Town Square changed some Euros to Koruna - Czech money for our expenses. There was certain festivities going on in the Town Square and we spent time purchasing Souveniers and buying our lunch.

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Easter Fair in Town SquareCharles Bridge

2nd Day at Prague was spent visiting the magnificent Prague Palace. We saw a Buckingham Palace style change of guard and saw the magnificent palace. A small entry fee was needed to enter the Castle. It is a ninth century palace part of which is still the residence of Check President. The castle was seat of power of kings of Bohemia and of Holy Roman Emperors. As per Guinness Book of world records this castle is the largest ancient castle in the world.

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Stand Still Guard at PalacePalace Court Yard

There is a lane called Golden Lane, It had row houses originally on both sides and built to house castle guards. House on one side was demolished in 19th century. Although the lane was temporarily called the Street of Alchemists or Alchemists' Alley, alchemists have never worked or lived there. Most of the brightly painted houses are now souvenir shops. Writer Franz Kfka and nobel laureate Jaro Slav Siefert also lived here. Next morning we traveled to Vienna and on way tried to use or converts all Czeck money into Euros.

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Golden LaneExihibits in Lesser Town
We had enchanting views of Prague's sky line from this palace.
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Galleries in Lesser TownCollection in Lesser town
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Birds Eye ViewNext On way to Vienna
On day 4 we said good bye to Prague and moved on. I will cover rest of our journey in 1 or 2 more blogs in future which are any way over due.

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Video of Charles Bridge at Prague


Europe Tour 2013 Part-2 #यात्रा

In the last blog on our Europe tour Part-1 journey up to Prague was covered. This blog part-2 covers journey between Prague to Vienna & Budapest

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Blog Part-1 : Day 1: Delhi-Moscow-Munich (by air), Day 2 Munich-Nuremberg-Prague.
Blog Part-2 Day-4 Prague to Vienna Day 5 Vienna to Budapest.
Blog Part-3 Day 7  Budapest -Melk- Salzburg Day 8 Salzburg- Munich
Blog Part-4 Day 9 Munich to-Zurich (By Train) Day 10 Zurich -Lucerne-Mt Titlis-Zurich. Day 10 & 11 Return to Delhi via Moscow

Hotels where we stayed:
Night-1 :NH Munich airport
Nights 2&3 : Hotel Barcelo Prague
Nights 4 : Hotel Kavalier Vienna
Nights 5&6 : Hotel Mercure Budapest (Buda)
Night 7 : Hotel Ramda, Salzburg
Night 8 : Hotel Ibis Parkstad Munich
Night 9 : Hotel Walhalla Zurich

Prague to Vienna :

This blog covers journey from Prague to Budapest. Most of the details has vanished from my memory but I am trying to recall what ever I can.
Day -4 : After visiting the magnificent Prague palace we visited the old town square before departure to spend some time at river front.
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Stand Still Palace Guard PragueSaroj with Local guide at Prague
On DAY-4 We traveled towards Vienna and had enchanting views on way.

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Cosmos BusScenes on Way
Just before border between Czech and Austria we stopped at a store near a petrol bunk for last minute purchase with Czech Koruna as well use the wash rooms. We found that use of wash rooms were free for those making certain purchases or else it was chargeable. After arrival In Vienna we were joined by a local guide.
History :
Vienna has a long history. Brief list of historical events are given here. It was a military out post of Holy Roman Empire and in 11th Century was capital of Babenberg dynasty. In 19th Century it was seat of Austrian and Austro Hungarian Empire. Habsburg dynasty were the most important royal family of Austria. Although from 1438 until 1806 (with the exception of 1742–1745) a member of the House of Habsburg was also Holy Roman Emperor, the Empire itself was not considered a part of the Habsburg Monarchy.  Thought Habsbrg male line ended in 1740 with the death of Holy Roam Emperor Charles IV, it continued to function as Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy and in 1914, the Habsburgs ruled an empire that encompassed not just Austria and Hungary, but Bohemia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, large parts of Poland and Romania, and even some of Italy.During Nazi rule it was annexed in 1938 as part of Greater Germany. After WW II it was occupied by 4 allied forces.In 1955 occupation ended after a Austrian State treaty. First place we visited was Shwedenplatz.
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Near St Stephen's CathedralSt Stephen's Cathedral
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Way to CathedralVienna City Hall
Though I had visited Vienna earlier during an official visit but it was just a brief stop over on way to Voestalpine steel plant at Linz. Shwedenplatz is in Central district of Vienna and most of the attractions of Vienna are nearby. After alighting from bus we walked to St Stephen Cathedral, the seat of Arch Bishop of Austria. It has very tall spires. One of which was damaged during WW-II. Horse carts rides are a huge attraction but the droppings of horses makes the street dirty. It was too cold and we quickly searched for a restaurant for some warmth. Korean food we ordered was had large quantity. Keeping our Indian tradition of not wasting food we ate everything. We started feeling bad almost immediately. We also visited Swarovski store near by and made few purchases. Next we took a bus ride through the city mostly parallel to Danube and saw many places of interests we also alighted from the bus at couple of places and moved around clicking and clicking and enjoying the views.
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Austrian Parliament Palace of Pallavicini
Former imperial palace now serves as official residence of President. There is a Museum with small entrance fee. We walked to some of these historical buildings, but felt the time was too short for such historical city. We noticed several columns called Plague columns probably in memory of those who perished due to Plague out breaks in Europe.
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Imperial Habsburg Palace Plague Memorial
DAY-5 :
This day was spent visiting schonburnn palace which was main summer residence of Habsburg rulers. The palace have over 1400 rooms and is the is one of the most important architectural, cultural, and historic monuments in the country. Since 1955 it is a major tourist attraction and serves as museum now. A mansion called Katterburg was purchased in 16th century by Holy Roman Emperor Maxmillan II and was originally developed as recreational hunting ground. During 1740-50 it was re built in its present form by Empress Maria Theresa. Franz Joseph the longest-reigning emperor of Austria, was born at Schönbrunn and spent a great deal of his life there. He died there, at the age of 86, on 21 November 1916. Following the downfall of the Habsburg monarchy in November 1918, the palace became the property of the newly founded Austrian Republic and was preserved as a museum. Nepolean stayed here twice and his room is preserved with his picture as a child. this room served earlier as bedroom of Franz and Theresa. After French victory over Austria, Schonbrunn served as HQ of Napolean. After WW-II it served as office of British Delegation. Meeting between President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev also took place here in 1961. 

We purchased tickets and went inside the museum with a museum guide and saw the artefacts and decorated rooms and chambers as per tour plan of the museum. We were not allowed to take photographs inside for most of the chambers. Few photographs were taken by mobile phone and some of them are given below along with one over all view of the back garden. There was some time left for the bus to arrive when we finished our Museum tour. We spent this waiting time viewing several sculptures in the front court yard and in having snacks and moving around in the Ester fair which was going on in the front court yard.

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schornburnn palace Easter Fair in the Front court yard
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Easter Fair -Front of Palace Inside a Palace Chamber with guide
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Roof Decoration Back Side Garden
In the after noon we traveled to the beautiful city of Budapest and reached there in the evening. We checked in Hotel Mercure-Accor on Buda side. Budapest consists of twin cities of Buda and Pest on the 2 sides of Danube river. We could not stop resist our urge to click photos from our Hotel window since some day light was still there. We were to spend 2 nights and 3 days in this beautiful enchanting city. We took of break fast in the restaurant named Atila - a Hun hailed by the local population as brave king. This reminded me of 2 invasions by white Huns into India during Gupta period though defeated in their first attempt in 458 AD by Skandgupta their second attempt in 470 AD was successful under the leadership of Mihirgul who was also called Indian Atila who carved out a Hun empire in NW India (mostly part of Pakistan and Afghanistan now. He was later defeated by combined forces of 2 Indian kings.

Day 6
We boarded the COSMOS bus for a city tour in the morning and was joined by a Local Tour guide. His English was better than the once we had encountered till now. He had good sense of humor too. We crossed the Danube through the famous Chain Bridge towards the Pest side for a bus tour through the enchanting buildings. We went up the victory memorial and spent some time there. In return journey we were mesmerized by the beautiful Parliament House. After spending some time at the town square We crossed back to Buda side and walked up the hill on Buda side to see Mathias Church and Buda's Castle for a breathtaking view of Pest side and the parliament. The street was lined up with shops selling artifacts and handicrafts. After spending some time on the banks of Danube we went to Hotel to get dressed for a Cruise ride cum Dinner. It was night time and we had magnificent views of illuminated chain bridge and the Parliament building and other structures. No one wanted to spend time inside despite strong and cold wind we all went to the deck to enjoy the views the city had to offer during night hours. After sumptuous dinner and drinks we returned to the Hotel amid singing in the bus by jubilant tourists.
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View of Buda Side from Hotel Victory Memorial
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St Stephen's Cathedral Victory Memorial
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Parliament House Chain Bridge
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Walk way Buda Side Bank matthias church
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View of Paliament from Matthias church Cruise in Danube & Dinner
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Handicraft Shop in Town Square St. Stephen's Basilica
We were so enchanted with this city that given our choice would have stayed at least for a week. Any way on Day 7 we left for Salzburg via Melk after last minute visit to Chain Bridge as if telling the bridge "good bye friend".

Video of illuminated  Parliament House at Budapest as seen from a cruise on Danube.