Monday, May 11, 2020

Europe Tour 2013 Part-3 #यात्रा

In the last blog on our Europe tour Part-2 journey up to Budapest was covered. This blog part-3 covers journey between Budapest-Melk-Salzburg-Munich

Blog Part-1 : Day 1: Delhi-Moscow-Munich (by air), Day 2 Munich-Nuremberg-Prague, Day Prague day 2 to 4.
Blog Part-2 Day-4 Prague to Vienna Day 5 Vienna to Budapest Day 5 to 7 
Blog Part-3 Day 7  Budapest -Melk- Salzburg Day 8 Salzburg- Munich  
Blog Part-4 Day 9 Munich to-Zurich (By Train) Day 10 Zurich -Lucerne-Mt Titlis-Zurich. Day 10 & 11 Return to Delhi via Moscow

Hotels where we stayed:
Night-1 :NH Munich airport
Nights 2&3 : Hotel Barcelo Prague
Nights 4 : Hotel Kavalier Vienna
Nights 5&6 : Hotel Mercure Budapest (Buda)
Night 7 : Hotel Ramda, Salzburg
Night 8 : Hotel Ibis Parkstad Munich
Night 9 : Hotel Walhalla Zurich

DAY-7 :
On Day 7 after bidding good bye to Budapest we proceeded towards Austria once again. Today's final destination was Sound of Music fame Salzburg- a city of Mozart. We took our breakfast in restaurant Atila of Mercure hotel and sped towards Austrian border. 
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Atila in Mercure HotelAtila Restaurant- Budapest

We had encountered  rough road while traveling from Prague towards Austria but the road to and from Budapest to Austria was very good. 

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Frozen FountainRestaurant- in Melk Stift with Ms Ratnawati

It was a cold day with temperature dipping every hour. We saw An Ikea store it the out skirts of Budapest and many beautiful views of mountains were very attractive by noon we reached MELK ABBEY also called Stift Melk, Melk Abbey  is a Benedictine abbey near the town of Melk,  by the bank of the Danube river. It is situated on the road leading to the Wachau valley. The abbey contains the tomb of Saint Coloman of Stockerau and the remains of several members of the House of Babenberg, Austria's first ruling dynasty. It was very cold and even the fountain at the entrance of Abbey had frozen and so we were also freezing. After visiting the abbey we needed some warm place and found a restaurant within the Abbey. We were joined by Ms Erny Ratnawati and her husband for tea and snacks.
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Roof Decoration within Melk AbbeyInside Melk Abbey
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Inside Melk AbbeyOutside view of Melk Abbey

After about 1.5 Hours Stop at MELK we proceeded further to Salzburg the city of Von Trappe family and Mozart. It took about 2 hours to reach we checked in Hotel Ramda for overnight stay. 
On day 8  we started our Sound of Music tour of Salzburg. Sound of Music was an immensely popular 1965 movie based on real story of Mar ia, an aspiring nun, who is sent as a governess to take care of seven motherless children of naval officer Von Trapp.. Soon her jovial and loving nature tames their hearts and the children become fond of her. Ultimately Maria marries their father almost double her age. The film is an adaption of memoirs of Mrs Maria Von Trapp written in 1949. Our first stop was Hellbrunn Castle. Located on Morzg locality the summer palace of Prince Archbishop was venue of Sound of Music (SOM)'s song "I am 16 going on 17". Residenzplatz Square fountain was place where some Nazi scenes were shot for sound of music. Nonnberg was the Abbey where Maria was an intern for nun-ship. We walked to the abbey and then through court yards of St Peter's Church to wards Mozart Platz. We saw Mozart's birth place too. The shops on way was decorated for upcoming Easter festival.

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Sound of Music PosterHellbrunn Palace Salzburg
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St. Erhard's Church-SalzburgKajetaner Church as seen from Nonnberg
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Birth Place of MozartKoule-Dom-Salzburg
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Mozart PlatzResidenzplatz Square

We started from Salzburg in the evening reaching Munich in late evening.
Our mind was reminding us that soon our this Cosmos tour will end up I started feeling sad, we had started to know and like our fellow tourists and even informal conversation were taking place between us. Will like to thank octogenarian Mrs Park from USA and Mr and Mrs Ratnawati. from Indonesia. I will like to specially thank Ms Bea Ungor, who as tour director was very professional, knowledgeable and caring. I am sharing these blogs with her over e-mail and editing or revising as per her observation, for which I thank her again. We were pleasantly surprised to know that while we were  arranging our visa and booking the "18th March 2013 COSMOS tour #6050" in India, Ms Bea was visiting world heritage ancient sites in India. 

It had snowed for whole day and  entrance to Ibis hotel was very slippery. After some time we got ready for the fare well dinner. It was a gala evening and every one enjoyed. I collected email ID of all the co-tourists. some pictures of co tourist are given here. 

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Farewell dinnerFarewell dinnerFarewell dinner
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Ms Park in Praguewith Co-tourist with Co-tourist
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with BeaUngorRiver Cruise- BudapestHellbrunn-Salzburg

Farewell dinner at Munich

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures, with wonderful Experience written
    by your Europe trip....
